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1. Toothbrushes
The bristles become frayed and worn over time, so they won't clean your teeth as well. Get a new one every three months.

2. Walking Shoes
Your favorite tennies won't last forever. They lose structure and support as you wear them, so if you walk often, replace them every six months.

3. Mattresses
We know a mattress is a major purchase, but the National Sleep Foundation recommends buying a new one every eight years. Worn or sagging spots could increase back pain and stiffness, and discomfort could also disrupt your shuteye. We've said it before, but we'll say it again: Getting a good night's sleep is critical to your health and happiness.

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4. Pillows
Like your mattress, your pillows deflate and lose their supportive (and comfy) cushion. Plus a 10-ounce pillow can double its weight in three years … because of collecting dust mites and dead skin (mega ick). Regular washing can help, but doctors recommend tossing them every two years.

5. Refrigerator Water Filters
Has your stream of filtered water become a trickle? Filters need to be replaced every six months to effectively minimize contaminants in your drinking water.

6. Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers
Smoke detectors lose their sensitivity over time, so get new ones every 10 years. Manufacturers typically recommend replacing fire extinguishers every five to 15 years, and check the pressure gauge monthly. Rechargeable extinguishers should be serviced every six years.

7. Shower Loofahs
Growing bacteria simply love your fluffy bath sponge's damp nooks and crannies. Toss it every three to four weeks.

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8. Kitchen Sponges
You can sanitize your sponge prolong its life. But as soon as it's looking messy and worn (between two to eight weeks), start using a new one.

9. Teflon Pans
Guilty of cooking with a chipped non-stick pan? Those flakes and crevices could release toxic compounds, so it's time for a change. With moderate use, experts say nonstick cookware should last three to five years.

NEXT: 10 Hard Questions to Ask When Clearing Out Your Clutter »

Headshot of Lauren Piro
Lauren Piro
Senior Web Editor
Overseeing all things home for and, Lauren swoons over midcentury design and employs tough-love approach to decluttering (just throw it away, ladies). She loves anything neon coral, puts bacon on her veggie burgers, and would follow Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to the end of the earth.